Past Exhibits

April 2024

Vinnie’s Cocktail Bar & Wine Shop


February 26 -May 3 2024

Birch Road Clubhouse

February 6 - March 3 2024

Victrola Coffee
Beacon Hill

The Jilted Siren: September 6 - October 6 2023

For the first time, see my full collection of watercolor cocktails in one place, including originals, first edition prints, and 5x5 wood plank mounted prints, perfect for your home bar.

Base Camp Studios

May 6-27 2023

Base Camp Studios in Belltown turns 1 this month! Come see my original watercolor painting Rainbow Rum on exhibit, along with fifteen other awesome artists. The theme is celebration, so of course I had to hang a piece about raising a celebratory toast.

Mercer Island Visual Arts League

April 7-May28 2023

Come check out four of my 4x6” watercolor landscapes on 100% cotton rag, natural edge paper. These pieces are on display as part of the annual MIVAL Treasures in Miniature show on Mercer Island, which includes over 200 tiny pieces of 2D and 3D art from 60 artists.

Capitol Thrill March 7th through April 21st 2023 - 12th & East Pike

Crows & Lines

My Crows & Lines collection of small works is born out of serendipitous observation and playful exploration. On December 3rd, 2022 I was waiting for the light to change at 12th & John - staring into space, caught up in worries about the day. As the light was about to change, I noticed a crow perched just above it, the light muzzy in Seattle’s winter gloom. Out of nowhere my heart insisted “I should paint that!” even though it was like no subject I had painted before.

Over the following weeks little traffic light crows came pouring out of my paint tin - first the red light crow, which I giggled while painting, then some fellows at yellow and green lights because it seemed right, then more and more while I playfully meandered my way through streetlight tangles at different corners of the city. Soon two branches of Nope Crows and Yep Crows emerged organically; with these I wandered into explorations of magical realism and consent. 

Painted on 100% recycled Khadi brand rag paper, my dreamy Seattle skies are an exploration in paint mixes that result in unpredictable granulating gray hues.

A Toast!

Exploration and an unsuppressable feeling of “what if” are core to my creative practice, so as a longtime cocktail enthusiast - and brand new watercolor artist in October 2021 - when I saw the beautiful glow of light through a Negroni, I wondered “can I capture that luminosity? What if I could?” So I tried it, and it worked, and it was hard and scary and delightful. Since then I’ve continued to stage more and more complex cocktail still life scenes, adding complicated shadows, unexpected reflections, and surprising glassware - all while embracing the thrill of not knowing how far I can push my newfound painting capabilities. Sometimes I fail, and I find more and more that that is as good for my heart as succeeding. 

“A Toast!” is a love ode to the cozy intimacy of a shared cocktail: the delight of chatting with Seattle’s hardworking bar staff about their favorite spirits and current experiments, the warm glow of a candle through the big ice of an Old Fashioned or a perfectly clear Vesper, trying a sip of your best friend’s drink, and chatting - thick as thieves - over a round or two at your favorite local watering hole.  

Video Tour - A Toast!

Video Tour - Crows & Lines